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Urban Design Studio was organised by the Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning, Faculty of Architecture at the Gdansk University of Technology in summer semester 2018/2019 in the frame of engineering studies programme.  The core theme of the subject was oriented on designing a masterplan for the disrtict development and is focused on the site located in Gdansk including parts of Wrzeszcz and Brzeźno. Additionally, the teams  provided a 3d model presenting phases of development and public space design. 



The teams have been working under a supervision of dr inż. arch. Dorota Kamrowskia-Załuska and mgr inż. arch. Hanna Obracht-Prondzyńska.

We invite you to look on our projects!

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By clicking on projects' logo you will be directed to the project webpage.

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Below you can find a program of our studio and descriptions for all exercises on which we have been working on during the semester.

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dr inż. arch. Dorota Kamrowska-Załuska

Assistant Professor and Director of mid-career program on Urban development and management of metropolitan areas, at the Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning at Faculty of Architecture, Gdansk University of Technology; Visiting Scholar and Research Fellow at several research institutions incl. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2013), Charted Urban Planner with 16 year experience working both for public and public sector, but also taking part in various participatory research and user-oriented design projects;  research interests: territorial impact of EU Cohesion Policy, social innovation in urban regeneration, smart cities and development of metropolitan areas; author of more than thirty papers and a book on sustainable urban regeneration – describing role of EU Cohesion Policy and its role in urban regeneration, based on comparing Polish, French and German systems; Board member of Association of Polish City Planners and ISOCARP Deputy Bureau Member Poland


mgr inż. arch. Hanna Obracht-Prondzyńska

Architect and urban planner trained at the Vienna University of Technology and Gdansk University of Technology where at this moment she is a research assistant at the Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning (Faculty of Architecture). She also graduated as GIS analyst at the Warsaw University of Technology. Currently, she works as a specialist at the Pomeranian Office for Regional Planning in Poland. Her professional experience was gained from working on projects in U.S., China, South Africa, Romania, Germany etc. Her recent practice was focused both on the spatial development plan for Pomeranian region and metropolitan area of Gdansk. As the researcher she is investigator in ERA-Net research grant CRUNCH.

Her research focus concerns model approach to the use of Big Data in assessing the impact of metropolitan growth on small towns’ and regional development. Additionally, her work is related to urban informatics and urban data management. She is also a member of the International Society of City and Regional Planners and a board member of the Society of Polish Town Planners (b. Gdansk).


Grzegorz Banaszek

Dagmara Górska

Cecilia Fernandez

Maria del angel Cuesta

Anna Kolator

Patrycja Pisarek

Kerstin Malcher

Paweł Sokołowski

Patricia Castro Lorenzo

Salomé Paguay Freire

Anna Olszewska

Aleksandra Rudnicka

Paulina Bernacka

Paulina Chojnacka

Jorge Ibañez de Navarra García

Jorge Guzman Redon Vicente

Diego Lidón Segura

Eugenio García-Rojo Sevilla

Daria Sarol

Karolina Daniluk

Kerim Kurtulmuş

Türkmen Şahin

Marta Staniszewska

Alicja Seklecka

Magdalena Draheim

Martyna Sokolnicka

Alicja Frankiewicz


© 2019 by Hanna Obracht-Prondzynska.

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